Thursday, May 19, 2011

【Block it Closer】

one of the puzzle gradually emerged in front of me..
realize that how terrible are human..

... ...I make a  deep breathe..
I try to control my emotions..
I can not impact by those 'ugly human'..
cannot be down by them..

I told myself don't easily believe in man ..
I want to shut the door inside my heart closer..block it all..
no one even think about to invade my inner world..

no one is the most reliable person in this world..
the only most trustworthy person is Myself..


  1. You are get down and down,
    What happen to you Leo.
    Cheer up! Talks to your friend and family.
    Wish everything getting better to you. =)

  2. uncle leo dont think to much ok
    life is like this
    i thinking the same too.
    but you still need someone by yourside..
    you cant be alone..
    maybe for can face your life
    but one day
    you will need some one too
    some one that giving you a strenght to live..
